The Gateway Programme Team’s learning and information offer was developed using informal feedback, formal evaluation data, and evidence of best practice collated during the initial 6 months of the Programme. 

Running between March 2023 and March 2024, it was intended to support consistency of approach where appropriate as the 9 Gateways at Place matured.  The learning and information offer sought to develop the meaningful system culture required for system-wide integrated care models.  In addition, the offer was intended to promote sustainability beyond March 2024, when the Programme concluded.

This offer was available to any individual or group with a professional interest in the Gateway and included three features:

  • Online Gateway resources
  • Participation in Gateway Community of Practice
  • Individual or Group Gateway Information Sessions

The online Gateway resources, including Community of Practice material, remain available to professionals seeking information and guidance.  Professionals new to Gateway are invited to visit the introduction pages.

Prior to engaging with Gateway Community of Practice or Information Sessions, we recommend colleagues consult the Online Gateway Resources.

The Online Resources have been designed to support a range of learning styles across the multiple organisations and professions engaged in Gateway.  They include documents featuring detailed text, visual tools featuring diagrams and charts, Gateway templates for completion and recorded material featuring several of our stakeholders.

The Online Resources are intended for introduction to Gateway and for consultation to ensure continuous improvement.  Colleagues consulting the Online Resources will have an opportunity to engage with:

The Gateway Community of Practice was established in 2022 for professionals engaged in work with Children and Young People discussed via Gateway Meetings.  It was designed to provide opportunities to learn from colleagues’ expertise on progress, results, successes, and barriers, to shape consistent implementation and evolution.

Professionals joining the quarterly Community of Practice meetings had the opportunity to engage with:

  • Development of Gateway Programme narrative to accompany guidance and use of templates
  • System-wide evolution of Gateway model and sustainability planning beyond the Programme
  • Programme evaluation

The Gateway Community of Practice met via 4 online events and 2 in-person events during 2022-2024.

Professionals interested in reviewing material from the in-person events are invited to visit our news and events pages.

Gateway Information Sessions for individuals and groups took place online and in-person.  They were arranged as sessions for the sole purpose of Gateway information sharing or as part of an agenda for a more general meeting at which colleagues had a professional interest in the model.

The Gateway Programme Team utilised its experience in delivering information for professionals in NHS and Local Authority roles, including those from community and acute settings, commissioners, education and social care.  The Team was focussed on delivery of the Gateway Programme until March 2024 and applied knowledge and experience gained from Gateways across all 9 Places in Cheshire and Merseyside.

Developed using evaluation from participants since Summer 2022, Gateway Information Sessions built on engagement with Online Resources and Community of Practice, complemented by operational experience of Gateway Meetings across Cheshire and Merseyside.  Utilising a combination of presentations, interactive group sessions and discussion, colleagues participating in Gateway Information Sessions were given opportunities to:

  • Learn from operational experience across the system as to application of Gateway model
  • Develop understanding as to benefits of templates
  • Develop understanding as to Resolution
  • Engage in discussion with colleagues, ask questions and reflect upon local implementation

Professionals seeking to access video resources covering these points are invited to visit our Gateway home page.