Are you are a professional invited to attend a Gateway Meeting for the first time? Maybe you have taken up a new post which requires you to represent your employing organisation as a Gateway Member?  

Or perhaps you have heard about Gateway via your work and would simply like to know more fast?  

We have collated some quick reference, visual resources for review by busy professionals who need to understand the practical requirements of the model quickly:

Process information, a visual introduction to Gateway, covering key points concerning the model

Gateway Chair Role Description, covering expectations concerning the Chair’s role

Gateway Member Role Description, covering expectations concerning the role of Members

We have also developed a fictional situation against Gateway templates for guidance:

A guide to Gateway Agendas 

A guide to the Gateway Situation Background Assessment and Recommendations template (SBAR)

A guide to the Gateway Action Sheet

There are 9 Gateways for Cheshire and Merseyside, each with their own Chair and Terms of Reference:

Gateway Chairs, March 2024

An operational checklist is available to assist professionals preparing to attend their first Gateway:

An operational checklist for Gateway Members and Gateway Chairs in preparing for Gateway Meetings

We encourage professionals to consider consulting the detailed guidance available elsewhere on the webpages when capacity allows, to help develop a more comprehensive understanding of Gateway.