Below is a list of support in your area

  • Benefits advice from the Benefits Maximisation Service (BMS), Liverpool City Council. BMS support with existing benefits and applying for new benefits for anyone living in Liverpool - Benefits advice - Liverpool City Council -
  • Liverpool Citizen Support Scheme (LCSS), Liverpool City Council. LCSS support people living in Liverpool who are in a crisis situation and may require food, gas and electric, furniture and household essentials - Liverpool Citizens Support Scheme - Liverpool City Council
Cost of Living Support:

Liverpool City Council have put together information to support people affected by the cost of living crisis.  Liverpool:

Cost of living support for Liverpool residents | Central Liverpool Primary Care Network (

Household Support Fund - Liverpool City Council

Carers Centres:

Support for carers - Liverpool City Council

Liverpool Carers Centre - Visit the Local Solutions website.
Family Hubs:

Liverpool Family Information & SEND Directory | Family Hubs Network

Live Well Directory:

Liverpool City Coucil have created a local support and services directory called the Live Well Directory. You can use this directory to search for services for yourself and for the person you care for on the following link - Live Well Directory.

Citizens Advice - Liverpool

Citizens Advice Liverpool