NHS England >> #GettingThrough
The #GettingThrough guides were created for families by families in collaboration with NHS England. They offer useful information for families when their child or young person (CYP) has been admitted to a Children and Young People's Mental Health inpatient service (Tier 4).
There are five guides in total, please click this link to access them #GettingThrough guides
- Getting through meetings during an inpatient stay
- Getting through family life during an inpatient stay
- Getting through communication during an inpatient stay
- Getting through the first few days: staff guidance
- Getting through the first few days: patient booklet
Carer passport
Across Cheshire and Merseyside Hospital Trusts have worked with carers and carers services to develop a Carer Passport. The Carer Passport can be used when a person is admitted to hospital for an inpatient stay.
The passport helps to:
- Raise awareness of the carer role
- Provide support to carers
- Recognise the importance of carers in patients' lives
- Provide information to key healthcare professionals
- Detail a partnership agreement in supporting the care of the patient during their stay in hospital
For more information about the Carer Passport speak to the ward manager where you or your loved ones are being cared for.
Carers UK are working on a project to help local areas introduce the Carer Passport in five key areas, including: Hospitals, Education, Employment, Community and Mental Health Trusts. For more information about the project please follow this link - What is the Carer Passport Scheme? | Carers UK
Dynamic Support Register (DSR) & Care (education) and Treatment Review (CeRT)
Below are links to two leaflets for children, young people and adults who are autistic, who have a learning disability or both. The leaflets explain what the Dynamic Support Register (DSR) and Care (Education) and Treatment Review (CERT) is. They have been designed to help people make decisions about the support they recieve.
1. Dynamic Support Register - PRN0017-dsr-leafet-for-cyp-adults-2.docx (live.com)
2. Care Education and Treatment Review - PRN0017-cetr-leafet-for-cyp-adults.docx (live.com)
For more information about the DSR and CERT policy and to view further guides please follow the link below:
NHS England » Dynamic support register and Care (Education) and Treatment Review policy and guide
Thinking Autism - leading the way towards answers for autism
Thinking Autism's most recent blog from a parent of a young adult with autism, 'What happens when your adult child needs hospitalisation'. - Adult Child Hospitalised (thinkingautism.org.uk)
Mencap - The voice of learning disability
Reasonable adjustments for children and young people with a learning disability in hospital - 2019.070 Treat me well childrens campaign_Make your childs voice heard V1.pdf (mencap.org.uk)
Information about support your child can get and how you can get it for them - Parents & Carers Support - Learning Disability | Mencap
Siblings! let's talk....
This leaflet is designed for siblings who have having a brother or sister with a mental health condition. The leaflet includes tips on looking after yourself, where you can find support, how to talk to other people about your siblings and understanding behaviours.
Siblings! Let's talk leaflet .pdf