Help with Anxiety:

Wysa Mental Health Support:

What is Wysa Mental Health Support?

Wysa Mental Health Support is an app with an artificially intelligent (AI) chatbot that you can text chat with. The app helps you sleep better and gives you ways to manage depression, stress and anxiety.

Who can use Wysa Mental Health Support?

Wysa Mental Health Support is suitable for adults and children over 13 years old. 

How does Wysa Mental Health Support work?

Wysa Mental Health Support works by providing you with relaxation guides and exercises to reduce stress, help you sleep better and manage depression.
It also provides you with a safe space to have private text chats with an artificially intelligent (AI) chatbot. 
You can use a guide to help you meditate. Also available two different types of talking therapy can help you learn more about how you think and behave:
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

How was Wysa Mental Health Support made?

Wysa Mental Health Support was made with the help of healthcare professionals and evidence based research.

How much is Wysa Mental Health Support?

Wysa Mental Health Support is free to download, and some of it is free to use. Some healthcare providers may provide access to additional features of Wysa Mental Health Support for free. Or you can buy the features you want in the app.

Download Here


Help with Low Mood:

Tellmi: Better Mental Health:

What is Tellmi?

Tellmi is an app to help the person you want to support manage their mental health.

Who can use Tellmi?

Tellmi is suitable for adults and children over 11 years old.

How does Tellmi work?

Tellmi has a chat forum where everyone is anonymous. You can post how you feel and get support. All messages are screened by humans before they are posted on the app.
You can read educational resources, get expert help and click on links to UK charities and helplines.

How was Tellmi made?

Tellmi was made with the help of clinical psychologists and evidence based research.

How much is Tellmi?

Tellmi is free to download and free to use.

Download Here
