We are delighted to invite our professional colleagues engaged in the Complex Needs Pathway for children and young people across Cheshire and Merseyside to the first in-person CNEST and Gateway Community of Practice meeting on Friday 26 May at The Engine Rooms, Birchwood, Warrington.
It is designed to provide opportunities to learn from colleagues’ expertise on progress, results, successes, and barriers to shape consistent implementation and evolution.
The Community of Practice is intended to develop stakeholder networks and ensure peer support. Colleagues joining our quarterly, online Community of Practice meetings have had an opportunity to engage with discussion concerning templates, the continuing improvement of the model and planning for evaluation.
On 26 May, the Community of Practice will meet in-person for the first time, drawing on the strengths and challenges colleagues have identified and addressed. The agenda is due to be confirmed shortly and will include opportunities to discuss varied topics including:
- feedback from Experts by Experience
- completion of CNEST and SBAR tools
- co-production of research
- social care thresholds
Fully catered, this information and learning opportunity is free to attend for Cheshire and Merseyside’s NHS and Local Authority colleagues, with a professional interest in CNEST and Gateway.
You may register here.